Mental, Social & Physical Balance

Find out exactly what’s holding you back

Mental Health

The ability to cope within yourself and the stresses
and difficulties of daily life.

Social Health

The ability to live in harmony with others and establish positive relationships.

Physical Health

The state of the body and how it responds to imbalances and DIS-Eases.


Neutral 3rd Party Perspective & Non-Invasive Solutions to help you Transform.

About Us

Ai will not replace Doctors, but Doctors that use Ai will replace those who do not...

Discover how our voice-enabled technology can make a difference in your healthcare journey. 


Vision to empower 1,000,000 lives/reports through 1,000 Health Care Practitioners & Coaches by 2028


Be the global leading pioneer in: PREVENTATIVE HEALTH REPORTS to empower individuals to take charge of their holistic health.

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Find your story,
Change your life...

Record your voice to get insights.

Discover how our voice-enabled technology can make a difference in your personal healthcare & journey in life. 

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Building a Better Tomorrow with AI Technology alongside Trusted Doctors

Click on the video to listen to Dr. Ainita Harun, speaking at the prestigeous KL Convention Center on her experience with Voice For Health. (4m)

Our Latest Projects

Voice For Health exhibiting at
Global World Stages

Proudly Malaysian, we are quickly gaining traction at the world stages. 

SusHi Tech Tokyo

SusHi Tech Tokyo Global Startup Exhibition

Tokyo, Japan

The largest startup event in Asia.
Open up the future and create exciting innovations. Supported by Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Ozone Forum India 100th Training by Bisleri Charitable Trust

Mumbai, India

OFI reaches out to practitioners by creating awareness with patients and doctors & sharing clinical experience and knowledge. 

Perhimpunan Dokter Umum Indonesia Medical Conference

Jakarta, Indonesia

PDUI is the largest assembly of doctors in Indonesia. Facilitating health of citizens through doctor competency.

Smart City Summit & Expo

Taipei, Nangang Exhibition Center, Taiwan

Asia's largest Smart city tradeshow - journey of innovation and technological advancement that promises to redefine the future of urban living.


The Healing House

Palma Makati, Phillipines

Alternative pathways to healing. The Healing House is a safe space. Here you can face and release your pain.

Medical Conference

Club Med, Bali, Indonesia

With world-class infrastructure as well as the gateway to beautiful beaches and vibrant cities, Bali proved to be the ideal setting.

COSMED Wellness

West Jakarta, Indonesia

Aesthetic & Anti Aging
Functional Medicine
Holistic Treatment
Preventive Methods

Why Choose Us

Experience the power of deep insights – with AI Based Vocal Biomarker Technology

Just 3 minutes of recording your voice through reading a script can change your life.


No-Needles, No Messy Saliva, No Long Sessions...

Trusted by Experts

7 Countries across the world, experts trust our technology.

Professional Testimonials

What Health Care Professionals say about Voice For Health

This is the pinnacle of health. Understand more and you will change your life.

Dr. Ainita Harun TTDI, Malaysia

As a busy physician specializing in heart disease management with a specific focus on EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation), the kiosk has proven to be an invaluable asset in my practice. The user-friendly interface and advanced functionalities of the kiosk have significantly streamlined our processes, allowing for more personalized and effective patient interactions. | recall this specific patient with suicidal thoughts as a presenting complaint and with the help of the data presented, we could process the root cause of the emotional challenge. This has not only improved the overall patient experience but has also contributed to the quality of care provided in the realm of heart disease management. Patients appreciate the convenience and accessibility offered by the kiosk. The technology has facilitated more informed and productive consultations, aligning with our commitment to delivering optimal care to our cardiac patients. While the Voice For Health kiosk has greatly benefited my practice, | believe a dedicated resource/representative to remind usage would prove effective. Addressing these aspects would further enhance the already impressive capabilities of the technology and align it even more closely with the needs of a busy cardiology practice focusing on heart disease management and EECP. In summary, the impact of the Voice For Health kiosk on my heart disease management practice has been substantial, and | am confident that its continued development will bring even more value to healthcare professionals. If you require any additional information or have specific areas you'd like me to focus on, do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you for the opportunity, and | wish Voice For Health continued success in the innovative healthcare technology space.

Dr. Denesh Sinna M.D Founder of Heart Bit E-ECP

I am honored to offer my insights into the Voice For Health kiosk, especially from the perspective of a physician specializing in wellness through PEMF therapy (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy). In the context of promoting overall well-being, the kiosk has proven to be an invaluable tool in optimizing our practice. Its user-friendly interface and advanced features have significantly enhanced patient interactions, specifically in the realm of emotional health to holistic wellness through PEMF therapy. Voice For Health works well together with PEMF as they are both frequency-based. This has not only elevated the overall patient experience but has also played a pivotal role in maintaining the quality of care we provide in the realm of wellness and PEMF therapy. Patients have welcomed the convenience and accessibility offered by the kiosk, recognizing its significance in collecting essential health information tailored for optimal PEMF therapy. Despite us having another Hair follicle based assessment, Voice For Health has facilitated more informed and collaborative discussions, specifically in the emotion realm, which is often overlooked but carries the most impact, reflecting our commitment to tailoring wellness solutions. While the Voice For Health kiosk has been an invaluable asset to our wellness practice, there's always room for enhancement. The ability to provide an immediate 2-minute preview which we do in live events will definitely help in the promotion of the tool. Addressing these aspects would further enhance the already impressive capabilities of the technology, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with the distinctive needs of a wellness-focused practice. In conclusion, the impact of the Voice For Health kiosk on the wellness practice, specifically within the context of PEMF therapy, has been significant. | am confident that its continuous development will add even more value to healthcare professionals dedicated to holistic wellness through innovative technologies like PEMF therapy. Feel free to use any or all of the above in the format that best suits your needs. | extend my best wishes to Voice For Health in advancing healthcare technology for wellness.

Dr Balachandran S Krishnan , MD , OHD , AMP Managing Director & Medical Director Poliklinik Cahaya Group

As a registered pharmacist in Malaysia, | am writing in to describe the benefits of Voice For Health to me and my clients. | had done my test on this technology since early May 2023 and | found the report to be interesting. The result of the report allowed me to better understand myself and do necessary improvements for myself. For client wise, | have seen many cases of clients not realising their emotional health or neglecting their emotional health, with this technology, the first step is to create awareness in them regarding their health status and thus improvements can be made by them. For me, | would say that the mental health part of the report is the most important for all my clients, because mental disorders are invisible and as we all know that prevention is better than cure, with this technology, awareness and prevention can be made early. Overall, this technology allowed clients to create awareness on their health status and create improvements or changes in order to improve their health. | would like to thank Voice For Health for giving me this opportunity to better understand my emotional and social health status so that | could keep improving myself. Thank you.

Ms. Wong Huei Yen, Jane Pharmacist (RPh: 021098)

Latest News & Blog Articles

Brian Phan
Brian Phan
I came upon Ai Based Coaching purely by chance through a friend. While it did peek my interest, after going through the voice script and receiving my report I was quite taken aback by the results. To my surprise, the Ai report generated was able to pick up my current underlying trauma that was directly related to the events occurring at the time. The insights I gained were invaluable as it revealed aspects of myself which I was aware of but was too afraid to admit on my own. With that in mind, I had two assessments done 3 months apart (due my own poor time management) both were quite accurate with different aspects of my trauma resurfacing. I recently had a follow-up session on my progress. After coaching and gaining awareness through the report, I was educated on breathing routines to soothe instances in my day to day life, especially when I notice my trauma resurfacing. After being consistent with breathing routines helped as I noticed changes in my breathing patterns. Also became more proactive with working out and stretching, the coaching through Ai data on my voice gave me improved perspective and positive impact on my overall life. It rekindled my perspective on the root fundamentals of life through the importance of breathing and how it ties back into rest, managing emotions, and relaxation. Personally, I would recommend the methodology of AI base coaching, like I said previously the insights were invaluable.
Woo Kahyee
Woo Kahyee
我是Woo,从事幼儿教育。在之前有听说了能够通过人工智能(AI)技术来仿照一个人的声音和视频,但没听说过能够用人工智能技术来做情绪稳定测试。在现代社会有太多因素都会影响我们的情绪,有太多隐藏性的负面情绪是我们肉眼都分辨不出的。在我亲身测试完并得到报告之后,我真的觉得Vocal Biomarker Technology太神奇了。不仅能测试个人的性格类型,也能测试出近期情绪稳定,还能测试出之前情绪波动较大的时期。它的准确性真的出乎我的意料之外,就仅仅的四分钟,竟然能得到那么多测验结果而且还那么的准确。负面情绪会潜伏在我不知道的地方,有了这些数据,我能更了解自己,并作出合理的改善。我会推荐给身边的家人和朋友们,也推荐给在看我的感言的您,有机会可以尝试一下。😊
Dion chai
Dion chai
This is my first time trying voice analysis, and to be honest, I am amazed by its effectiveness. It not only analyzes personality traits based on voice, but can also reveal underlying personality aspects. Furthermore, it can identify the stages that have led to the current outcomes, and upon careful reflection, I realize that these stages are closely related to past experiences. During times of emotional lows and feeling stuck, I have consulted several therapists, but after multiple sessions of counseling and treatment, the results were not significant. Therefore, when Brandon introduced me to his consultation, I was initially skeptical. However, the final outcome made me believe in his abilities, patience, and professionalism, making it definitely worth a try.
Jen Qtouch
Jen Qtouch
"I had a truly transformative experience working with Ser. Brandon. His guidance helped me develop emotional resilience and the ability to navigate negative influences. Through the breathing exercises and techniques he taught me, I discovered an effective way to release negativity. Brandon's expertise and support have been instrumental in my emotional growth. I highly recommend his services."
The Ai based vocal biomarker technology was very helpful in detecting mental and physical health conditions. It’s accurately helped detecting my mom’s mental and physical health condition so that I can monitoring her health condition and also pay attention to reduce her anxiety emotion.
It was the third time I had the voice analysis. Every time I discovered something new through the report. With the debriefing & coaching session with Brandon it made the entire process even easier. I had a deeper understanding of the close link between my frequent emotion and my emotional blueprint which has helped to discover the root of certain behavioural and most importantly emotional processing patterns. The patterns have been "haunting" my life for many decades! Now, I'm becoming more aware of these patterns and working towards breaking them! Thank you Brandon for the great coaching session!
Jason Loh
Jason Loh
It is really an amazing technology. Never thought a tiny frequency and pattern in our voice can shows so much information and it pretty accurate. It is different from tarot. This technology helped me to identify my issues and the coaching help me to find the possible root cause, making it more clear and letting me to decide what I want to do with it. I hope this invention can be make affordable and accessible widely for everyone.
James Chin
James Chin
For me the Ai based Vocal Biomarker is a mind blowing piece of technology. I really didn’t expect to receive such a thorough report from just the 4 minutes of speech the other day. Personally, through this, it gave me clarity in knowing more about myself and understanding Me and a whole “Ying” and “Yang”. And with this information, being able to be more aware of who I am, and what to do from here on. Really cool! And I do recommend anyone to try it out, even if u think you’re all good… you never know what to expect 😏
Sabrina Sunderraj
Sabrina Sunderraj
I am simply Amazed at what the Vocal Biomarker was able to pick up on in my brainwave and voice frequency. It identified my emotional blocks and the roots of these blocks, what I was good at and what I could use within me to strengthen what is beneficial to me. My Coach Brandon Chua was perfect in getting to my pain points and helping me release them with techniques such as Box Breathing. It's been great for me especially in my meditation practice and in releasing the stress in my body that causes dis-ease! My breakthrough came as a surprise to me, that I actually actively chose to be assertive to someone I struggle with emotionally, that was a big step for me. It changed the dynamic of a difficult relationship and I am grateful I could do that. The combination of deeper levels of awareness and Brandon’s Coaching techniques cleaning up my emotional blocks takes me closer to my own goal of being an excellent Mindset Coach - yes even a Coach needs a Coach!! Thank you!
Jenny Seah
Jenny Seah
My mind journey with Brandon was astounding. Before joining the session, I had a mixture of feelings. There was excitement but there was also an overarching sense of unknown fear. Why? Because I had built an invisible defiant wall. The conversation proceeded. Instantly, I felt safe and at ease. With his natural ability, he had demolished my unconscious resistance. He was noticeably clear and precise in his instructions. I acknowledge Brandon as a remarkable and astute conversationalist. The accuracy of the report had me mesmerized. At a point I had to ask Brandon if he had installed a spy-cam in my mind. As he deep-dived into the report, I felt raw and ‘naked.’ There was a war between my mind and heart; those tender memories hurt. My emotional wound was opened. Brandon gently sutured it with empathy and warm compassion. The clarity from Brandon’s coaching transformed my emotional wound into wisdom.. I am thankful for my takeaway gift – Box Breathing. Brandon caringly facilitated the anxiety relief exercise. It helped me be in the present moment and at that moment, I was fine. I felt a profound sense of peace and comfort after the session. I am touched beyond words. "Thank you, Brandon for your benevolence." I would grade my experience with you, an absolute 10 out of 10.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Norshafiqah Jenny Seah Secretary/Asst.Manager